Sneak Peek into the 77th Independence Day Celebrations at the Sankalchand Patel University Campus. Marking a significant moment, the national flag was gracefully hoisted by the Hon’ble President of the University – Shri Prakash Patel. As an integral part of the “Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav” and “Meri Mati Mera Desh” Campaign the entire SPU family took the solemn “Panch Pran Pledge”, reaffirming their commitment to the nation. Adding to the celebratory fervor, the SPU family proudly inaugurated several new additions. These included four state-of-the-art buses for students, an electric van, two fully-equipped ambulances, and the cutting-edge “Smart Laundry” facility, driven by advanced IoT technology, catering to the needs of our residential students in all hostel. These momentous events embody our dedication to progress, innovation, and unity as we continue to march towards a brighter future.(15/08/2023)