World health organization, NPHSP unit Gandhinagar collaboration with Nootan Medical College and Research Centre was held workshop on “Surveillance of Vaccine preventable diseases(VPD)” on 18th August,2021 at Nootan Medical College and Research Centre auditorium hall-2(3rd floor) onwards 10:30am to 1:00pm. President shree Prakash Patel sir, Registrar Dr. Pramodkumar Pande sir, provost Dr J. R. Patel sir and dean shree Dr Bharat shah sir and Superintendent sir Dr. Pankaj nimbalkar, R.M.O. Tejas Patel sir and Dr. Aniket Rana Sir (SMO WHO) & Dr. Mahesh Patil sir (WHO ,Gandhinagar) NPHSP Unit, Gandhinagar regards . We’re present in this workshop.